Initialization Performance

Chevrotain is (mostly) a runtime tool (No code generation). This means there is a fair bit of logic happening every time a Chevrotain Parser or Lexer are initialized. In some use cases this overhead may need to be reduced as much as possible.

Enabling Initialization Performance Tracing

Measuring a Parser's initialization performance can be done by enabling the IParserConfig.traceInitPerfopen in new window flag. For example:

class InitTracingParser extends CstParser {
  constructor() {
    super([], {
      // Note `traceInitPerf` may also accept numerical values
      traceInitPerf: true,


new InitTracingParser(); // Will print tracing info to the console.

A Lexer's initialization performance can similarly be measured by enabling the ILexerConfig.traceInitPerfopen in new window flag:

// Will print tracing info to the console.
new Lexer([], {
  // Note `traceInitPerf` may also accept numerical values
  traceInitPerf: true,

Use a smaller Global maxLookahead

Chevrotain is a K tokens lookahead Parser, this means it peeks ahead (at most) K Tokens to determine the alternative to pick whenever it encounters a "branching" in the grammar.

During initialization Chevrotain pre-computes and caches lookahead functions that would later be used at runtime. The global maxLookaheadopen in new window setting can significantly affect the performance of this pre-computation due to the fact the number of possible "paths" in the grammar can grow exponentially as the max length of the possible paths increases.


class LowLookaheadParser extends CstParser {
  constructor() {
    super([], {
      // By default this value is 3
      maxLookahead: 2,


Note that the global maxLookahead can be overridden for individual DSL methods(OR/OPTION/MANY/...) invocations, For example:

class LowLookaheadParser extends CstParser {
  constructor() {
    super([], {
      // Globally **only one** token lookahead.
      maxLookahead: 1,

    $.RULE("value", () => {
        // We need **two** tokens lookahead to distinguish between these two alternatives
        MAX_LOOKAHEAD: 2,
        DEF: [
            ALT: () => {
            ALT: () => {


Disabling Grammar Validations

Chevrotain performs many validations during Lexer & Parser initialization, however those are not really relevant when the Lexer & Parser are known to be valid, These validations are a development time tool, and not really needed during productive flows.

The IParserConfig.skipValidationsopen in new window config property can be used to avoid running these validations during Parser initialization.

class NaiveSkippedValidationsParser extends CstParser {
  constructor() {
    super([], {
      // This could reduce 30-50% of the initialization time
      skipValidations: true,


Similarly the ILexerConfig.skipValidationsopen in new window config property can be used to skip the optional validations during Lexer initialization.

new Lexer([], {
  skipValidations: true,

The examples above are a little naive, as the validations are always skipped, while we only need to skip them under specific conditions, for example:

class MoreRealisticSkippedValidationsParser extends CstParser {
  constructor() {
    super([], {
      // only run the validations when a certain env variable is set.
      skipValidations: process.env["IN_MY_PACKAGE_LOCAL_TESTING"] !== true,
      // Always Trace init logs when in local testing to hopefully spot regressions.
      traceInitPerf: process.env["IN_MY_PACKAGE_LOCAL_TESTING"] === true,


Note that in a real world scenario the special condition to enable validations/tracing could be anything:

  • env variable.
  • command line argument.
  • existence of a certain config file in the CWD.
  • ...