Only used internally for storing productions as they are built for the first time. The final productions should be accessed from the static cache.
This flag enables or disables error recovery (fault tolerance) of the parser. If this flag is disabled the parser will halt on the first error.
Convenience method equivalent to AT_LEAST_ONE1.
Convenience method, same as MANY but the repetition is of one or more. failing to match at least one repetition will result in a parsing error and cause the parser to attempt error recovery.
The predicate / gate function that implements the constraint on the grammar or the grammar action to invoke at least once.
Convenience method equivalent to AT_LEAST_ONE_SEP1.
Convenience method, same as MANY_SEP but the repetition is of one or more. failing to match at least one repetition will result in a parsing error and cause the parser to attempt error recovery.
The Token class which will be used as a separator between repetitions.
The rule to try and parse in backtracking mode.
A predicate that given the result of the parse attempt will "decide" if the parse was successfully or not.
a lookahead function that will try to parse the given grammarRule and will return true if succeed.
Convenience method equivalent to CONSUME1.
A Parsing DSL method use to consume a single terminal Token. a Token will be consumed, IFF the next token in the token vector is an instanceof tokClass. otherwise the parser will attempt to perform error recovery.
The index in the method name indicates the unique occurrence of a terminal consumption inside a the top level rule. What this means is that if a terminal appears more than once in a single rule, each appearance must have a difference index.
for example:
function parseQualifiedName() { this.CONSUME1(Identifier); this.MANY(()=> { this.CONSUME1(Dot); this.CONSUME2(Identifier); // <-- here we use CONSUME2 because the terminal }); // 'Identifier' has already appeared previously in the // the rule 'parseQualifiedName' }
A constructor function specifying the type of token to be consumed.
Convenience method equivalent to MANY1.
Parsing DSL method, that indicates a repetition of zero or more. This is equivalent to EBNF repetition {...}.
Note that the 'action' param is optional. so both of the following forms are valid:
short: this.MANY(()=>{ this.CONSUME(Comma}; this.CONSUME(Digit});
long: this.MANY(predicateFunc, () => { this.CONSUME(Comma}; this.CONSUME(Digit});
The 'predicateFunc' in the long form can be used to add constraints (none grammar related) taking another iteration.
As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence of the repetition production in it's top rule.
The predicate / gate function that implements the constraint on the grammar or the grammar action to optionally invoke multiple times.
Convenience method equivalent to MANY_SEP1.
Parsing DSL method, that indicates a repetition of zero or more with a separator Token between the repetitions.
this.MANY_SEP(Comma, () => { this.CONSUME(Number}; ... );
Note that for the purposes of deciding on whether or not another iteration exists Only a single Token is examined (The separator). Therefore if the grammar being implemented is so "crazy" to require multiple tokens to identify an item separator please use the basic DSL methods to implement it.
As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence of the repetition production in it's top rule.
The Token class which will be used as a separator between repetitions.
Convenience method equivalent to LA(1) It is no longer used directly in chevrotain due to performance considerations (avoid the need for inlining optimizations).
But it is maintained for backward compatibility reasons.
Convenience method equivalent to OPTION1.
Parsing DSL Method that Indicates an Optional production in EBNF notation: [...].
Note that the 'action' param is optional. so both of the following forms are valid:
The 'predicateFunc' in the long form can be used to add constraints (none grammar related) to optionally invoking the grammar action.
As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence of the optional production in it's top rule.
The predicate / gate function that implements the constraint on the grammar or the grammar action to optionally invoke once.
Convenience method equivalent to OR1.
Parsing DSL method that indicates a choice between a set of alternatives must be made. This is equivalent to EBNF alternation (A | B | C | D ...)
There are two forms:
short: this.OR([
], "a number")
long: this.OR([
{GATE: predicateFunc1, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(One)}},
{GATE: predicateFuncX, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Two)}},
{GATE: predicateFuncX, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Three)}},
], "a number")
They can also be mixed: mixed: this.OR([ {GATE: predicateFunc1, ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(One)}}, {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Two)}}, {ALT:()=>{this.CONSUME(Three)}} ], "a number")
The 'predicateFuncX' in the long form can be used to add constraints (none grammar related) to choosing the alternative.
As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence of the alternation production in it's top rule.
The name of the rule.
The implementation of the rule.
Parser state / error recovery&reporting/ ...
Convenience method equivalent to SUBRULE1
The Parsing DSL Method is used by one rule to call another.
This may seem redundant as it does not actually do much. However using it is mandatory for all sub rule invocations. calling another rule without wrapping in SUBRULE(...) will cause errors/mistakes in the Recognizer's self analysis, which will lead to errors in error recovery/automatic lookahead calculation and any other functionality relying on the Recognizer's self analysis output.
As in CONSUME the index in the method name indicates the occurrence of the sub rule invocation in its rule.
The rule to invoke.
The arguments to pass to the invoked subrule.
By default all tokens type may be inserted. This behavior may be overridden in inheriting Recognizers for example: One may decide that only punctuation tokens may be inserted automatically as they have no additional semantic value. (A mandatory semicolon has no additional semantic meaning, but an Integer may have additional meaning depending on its int value and context (Inserting an integer 0 in cardinality: "[1..]" will cause semantic issues as the max of the cardinality will be greater than the min value (and this is a false error!).
The Type of Token we wish to consume (Reference to its constructor function).
Occurrence index of consumed token in the invoking parser rule text for example: IDENT (DOT IDENT)* the first ident will have idx 1 and the second one idx 2
* note that for the second ident the idx is always 2 even if its invoked 30 times in the same rule
the idx is about the position in grammar (source code) and has nothing to do with a specific invocation
The Class of the expected Token.
The actual unexpected (mismatched) Token instance encountered.
Returns an "imaginary" Token to insert when Single Token Insertion is done Override this if you require special behavior in your grammar. For example if an IntegerToken is required provide one with the image '0' so it would be valid syntactically.
Resets the parser state, should be overridden for custom parsers which "carry" additional state. When overriding, remember to also invoke the super implementation!
Generated using TypeDoc
A Recognizer capable of self analysis to determine it's grammar structure This is used for more advanced features requiring such information. For example: Error Recovery, Automatic lookahead calculation.